Plumbers have mixed views on garbage disposals, as they can either ease or exacerbate plumbing issues. Garbage disposals are a common feature in most households today, especially in the US.

While these appliances are generally useful when it comes to reducing waste, they can cause plumbing problems if misused or installed incorrectly. Plumbers usually have mixed views on the subject, with some seeing garbage disposals as a viable solution to food waste management, while others believe that they can cause more harm than good.

In this article, we will delve into what plumbers think of garbage disposals, their benefits, and potential problems. Understanding these views can help homeowners make informed decisions about whether or not to invest in a garbage disposal for their homes.

What Plumbers Really Think About Garbage Disposals


Why Garbage Disposals Matter To Plumbers

Garbage disposals have been a popular kitchen appliance for many years and are one of the most common items plumbers deal with on a regular basis. However, many homeowners may not realize the extent to which garbage disposals matter to professional plumbers.

Let’s explore the importance of garbage disposals in today’s kitchens and how they work.

The Importance Of Garbage Disposals In Today’S Kitchens

Garbage disposals offer several important benefits in today’s kitchens:

  • Reduce waste: One of the significant benefits of a garbage disposal is that it reduces food waste in landfills. By grinding up food scraps and disposing of them using a wastewater treatment system, homeowners can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable environment.
  • Convenience: Garbage disposals offer convenience in the kitchen by saving homeowners time and effort. Instead of having to scrape every bit of food debris from a plate and dispose of it in the trash, the disposal can handle most food waste.
  • Prevent clogs: Garbage disposals can also help prevent clogs in pipes by breaking down food into smaller pieces that are easier to move through the system.

Understanding How Garbage Disposals Work

The following are the key components of how garbage disposals work:

  • Motor: The motor powers the blades that grind up the food waste.
  • Grinding chamber: The grinding chamber is where the food waste is mixed with water and ground up by the blades.
  • Anti-jamming features: Many garbage disposals come equipped with anti-jamming features such as auto-reverse to help prevent clogs and damage to the unit.
  • Flanges: Flanges attach the disposal to the sink and ensure water cannot leak from the unit.

Garbage disposals play an essential role in today’s kitchens. They offer convenience, promote sustainability, and can help prevent clogs and other plumbing issues. As a homeowner, it’s vital to consider how you’re using your garbage disposal and to have it maintained regularly by a professional plumber to keep it in good working order.

The Pros And Cons Of Garbage Disposals According To Plumbers

Garbage disposals have been a hot topic among homeowners for years. While some swear by the convenience they offer, others view them as a potential hazard. But what do plumbers really think of garbage disposals? We’ll explore the pros and cons of garbage disposals according to plumbers.

The Environmental Impact Of Garbage Disposals

Plumbers and environmentalists alike often have concerns about the impact that garbage disposals can have on our planet. Here are some things to consider:

  • Garbage disposals add solid waste to the municipal sewage treatment systems, which can be a problem since many systems are already overtaxed
  • The food waste also releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas, as it breaks down in the landfill
  • On the other hand, some argue that garbage disposals can keep food waste out of the landfill and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The Cost Of Installing And Maintaining A Garbage Disposal

Another factor to consider is the cost. While garbage disposals can seem like a convenient addition to your kitchen, there are some expenses to keep in mind:

  • The cost of purchasing and installing a garbage disposal varies widely, but can range from $75 to over $500
  • Maintenance and repairs can add up over time – repairs can cost $50 to $100, and if the disposal needs to be replaced, you’ll be looking at another $200 to $400
  • However, some homeowners find that the convenience and reduced plumbing problems are worth the cost

The Benefits Of Having A Garbage Disposal In Your Home

Despite the potential drawbacks, many plumbers and homeowners agree that there are distinct benefits to having a garbage disposal installed. Here are a few key advantages:

  • A garbage disposal can reduce the amount of food waste in your home, making it more pleasant to live in
  • It can also reduce plumbing problems – food scraps that end up in the garbage disposal are less likely to clog pipes than those that are thrown in the trash
  • Having a garbage disposal can also be a selling point when it comes time to put your house on the market

The topic of garbage disposals can be a polarizing one. While some homeowners and plumbers love them, others have concerns about their environmental impact and cost. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to install a garbage disposal is up to you.

Tread carefully and consider all the factors before making your choice.

Common Misconceptions About Garbage Disposals

Debunking Common Myths About Garbage Disposals

Garbage disposals are a convenient appliance in the kitchen that helps in disposing of food waste. However, there are some misconceptions surrounding garbage disposals that might cause some people to avoid using them. Here are some common myths about garbage disposals that we will debunk:

  • Myth 1: Garbage disposals are not environmentally friendly
  • The truth is, garbage disposals can actually help reduce solid waste in landfills by diverting organic waste from the landfill, where it can decompose and release harmful greenhouse gases.
  • Myth 2: Garbage disposals are expensive to operate
  • Garbage disposals use very little electricity, and they only run for a short period of time. On average, a garbage disposal can cost as little as $0.50- $0.70 per year in electricity to operate.
  • Myth 3: Garbage disposals clog the pipes
  • Garbage disposals are designed to grind food waste into small pieces, making it easier to pass through the pipes. However, it is important to avoid putting non-food items, fibrous materials like celery, or large bones down the disposal to prevent pipe blockages.

A Look At The Most Misunderstood Features Of Garbage Disposals

Despite their convenience, some people still have misconceptions about the features of garbage disposals. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most misunderstood features of garbage disposals:

  • Grind stages
  • Garbage disposals have 1, 2, or 3 grind stages. A higher number of grind stages means finer food particle sizes, which are easier to dispose of and less likely to clog pipes.
  • Noise level
  • Garbage disposals can be loud when grinding food waste. The ones with sound insulation can reduce noise levels, but the best option for quieter operation is a high-quality disposal with a powerful motor.
  • Horsepower
  • Garbage disposals come in different horsepower ratings, ranging from 1/3 to 1 horsepower. The ideal horsepower rating for a disposal depends on the amount of food waste generated in your household.

Debunking myths and understanding the features of garbage disposals can help you make an informed decision when purchasing one for your kitchen. A quality garbage disposal not only provides convenience, but also helps reduce waste and benefit the environment.

Essential Tips For Using And Maintaining Your Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals are essential tools in modern kitchens. They help to keep the kitchen clean and reduce the amount of waste generated. However, not using or maintaining the garbage disposal properly can result in costly repairs or even a replacement.

Here are some essential tips for using and maintaining your garbage disposal:

Best Practices For Using Your Garbage Disposal

  • Use cold water – always use cold water when running your garbage disposal. Cold water helps to harden the food waste, which makes it easier to chop and prevents clogs in the plumbing system.
  • Cut the food into small pieces – chop up large pieces of food waste before placing them in the garbage disposal. This will prevent the disposal from getting overloaded and jammed.
  • Do not overfill the garbage disposal – overloading your garbage disposal can cause it to malfunction or clog the plumbing system. Only dispose of small quantities of food waste at a time.
  • Do not dispose of non-food items – the garbage disposal is designed to grind food waste only. Do not dispose of non-food items, such as plastic or metal, as they can damage the blades.

A Guide To Proper Garbage Disposal Maintenance

  • Regular cleaning – clean your garbage disposal regularly to prevent bad odors and bacteria build-up. You can use a combination of baking soda and vinegar to keep your disposal clean or buy a specialized garbage disposal cleaner.
  • Sharp blades – keep the blades of your garbage disposal sharp by grinding small ice cubes or citrus peels. This will help to prevent jams and prolong the life of the disposal.
  • Use it regularly – run your garbage disposal regularly to prevent rust and corrosion. Turn on the disposal and let the cold water run through it for a few seconds every day.
  • Hire a professional – if your garbage disposal is malfunctioning or you suspect a problem, it is important to hire a professional to repair it. Avoid diy fixes as they can cause more damage.

How To Troubleshoot Common Garbage Disposal Problems

  • Jamming – if your garbage disposal is jammed, turn it off immediately and unplug it. Use a flashlight to look for the cause of the jam. You may need to use pliers or an allen wrench to dislodge the obstruction.
  • Odors – bad odors from the garbage disposal are a common problem. To eliminate them, grind a few pieces of citrus fruit or use a specialized disposal cleaner.
  • Leakage – if there is water leaking from your garbage disposal, turn it off and unplug it immediately. Tighten any loose screws or bolts and check the gasket for wear and tear.

Remember to be mindful of what you are placing in your garbage disposal, always use cold water, and maintain it regularly to avoid expensive repairs or replacements. Follow the essential tips outlined above to get the most out of your garbage disposal.

Frequently Asked Questions Of What Do Plumbers Think Of Garbage Disposals

How Often Should I Clean My Garbage Disposal?

It is recommended to clean your garbage disposal at least once a month. You can use a mixture of ice, rock salt, and baking soda to clean it thoroughly.

Can I Put Any Food Waste In My Garbage Disposal?

No, there are certain food waste items that should not be put in a garbage disposal. This includes bones, coffee grounds, eggshells, and fibrous vegetables like celery.

How Do I Know If My Garbage Disposal Needs Repairs?

You may notice strange noises, unpleasant odors, or difficulty grinding food waste. Contact a licensed plumber for a professional opinion and repairs if needed.

Does A Garbage Disposal Affect My Plumbing System?

Yes, a malfunctioning or clogged garbage disposal can cause serious plumbing issues and damage your pipes. It is important to properly maintain your garbage disposal to prevent these problems.

Can A Garbage Disposal Be Installed In Any Sink?

Most sinks can accommodate a garbage disposal. However, it is important to check the manufacturer’s instructions and consult with a licensed plumber before installation.


Professional plumbers are reliable sources to understand the significance and disadvantages of installing garbage disposals. As we have seen, the opinions on the subject vary from person to person. Nevertheless, one thing is certain; if you decide to install a garbage disposal, you must do proper research and make an informed decision.

You should take into consideration the cost, amount of food waste generated, and the condition of your plumbing system. A garbage disposal may improve the convenience of disposing of food waste, but it may increase the risk of clogs and create a long-term cost.

At the same time, it can contribute to the reduction of carbon footprint and the amount of waste generated in landfills. Make sure to talk with a licensed plumber for the best insight on whether a garbage disposal is a good idea with your specific plumbing and living situation.

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