You can put food scraps, soft fruits, vegetables, and ice cubes down a garbage disposal. However, avoid putting hard items, fibrous foods, greasy foods, and non-food items into it.

Garbage disposals are great when used correctly, but when in doubt, throw it out in the trash. Garbage disposals are a convenient household appliance that help reduce waste and keep your kitchen clean. Knowing what to put into it can save you from costly repairs and keep it running smoothly. In this article, we will discuss what can and cannot be put into a garbage disposal to avoid any potential problems. By following a few simple guidelines, you can ensure your garbage disposal stays in top working condition and lasts for years to come.

What Can You Put Down a Garbage Disposal: A Comprehensive Guide


What Can Be Put Down A Garbage Disposal

A garbage disposal is a handy tool that helps in disposing of food waste. however, it’s essential to know what you can and can’t put down your garbage disposal. putting the wrong things down your disposal can result in clogs and damage to the unit. so let’s take a closer look at what can be put down a garbage disposal.

List Of Acceptable Items

The following items are acceptable for your garbage disposal:

  • Soft food items: soft food items like cooked vegetables, fruits, and grains can go down your garbage disposal. make sure to cut them into small pieces and add them gradually to avoid clogging the unit.
  • Small bones: small bones like fish bones and chicken bones can be ground up by your disposal. however, be cautious when adding bones as they can dull the blades.
  • Ice cubes: ice can help sharpen the blades and clean the unit. put a few ice cubes down the disposal while it’s running to get rid of stubborn food particles.
  • Biodegradable dish soap: dish soap can help clean the disposal by breaking down grease and oil. pour a small amount of biodegradable dish soap into the disposal, run the water, and turn on the unit to clean it.

It’s important to note that fibrous and hard items like eggshells, potato peels, and coffee grounds should be avoided. these items can clog your disposal and damage the blades. by sticking to the list of acceptable items, you can extend the life of your garbage disposal and keep it running smoothly. remember to keep safety in mind and avoid putting your hands down the drain when the unit is running.

What Should Not Be Put Down A Garbage Disposal

What Should Not Be Put Down A Garbage Disposal

Putting things down a garbage disposal that shouldn’t be can result in plumbing issues, damage to the disposal, and even injuries. it’s essential to know what to avoid putting in the disposal to prevent those situations. here’s a list of common items that you should never put down your garbage disposal:

Grease, fat, and oils are often solid when cold but can become liquid when heated. pouring these liquids down the drain can lead to blockages because they will solidify as soon as they cool. additionally, these liquids can also create a layer of residue around the blades of the disposal, causing the motor to work harder.

Garbage disposals are not designed to handle bones. bones are hard and can damage the disposal’s blades or motor. as a result, they can cause blockages or even stop the disposal from functioning altogether.

While coffee grounds may seem harmless, they can cause significant problems if they accumulate in the drainage system. the tiny size of the particles can cling to the walls of the pipes and block water flow. moreover, they can create a sludge-like paste when mixed with grease, which leads to even worse clogs.

Avoid putting any starchy food down your garbage disposal. starches can expand when exposed to water, leading to blockages. moreover, they can create a paste-like substance and stick to the blades of the disposal, leading to premature motor failure.

Eggshells are often thought to sharpen the blades of a garbage disposal. however, this is a myth. instead, the brittle shells can stick to the blades, leading to blockages.

Putting non-food items such as plastic, metal, or glass down your disposal can cause irreversible damage. these hard materials can break or damage the blades of the disposal, leading to costly repairs or replacements.

Fibrous vegetables such as celery, cornhusks, and onion skins are often mistaken for being harmless. however, these fibrous materials can wrap around the blades, causing the motor to get stuck. this can cause the motor to work harder, leading to motor failure. knowing what not to put down your garbage disposal can save you hours of frustration, money, and stress. keep this list in mind when using the disposal to prevent unnecessary damage and plumbing issues.

Best Practices For Using A Garbage Disposal

Best Practices For Using A Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals can be a helpful addition to any kitchen, but it’s essential to use them correctly to avoid costly repairs and damage. here are the best practices for using a garbage disposal:

Detailed Instructions On How To Properly Use A Garbage Disposal

  • Run the water first: always run cold water for a few seconds before turning on the disposal. keep the water running throughout the operation and for 15 seconds after turning off the disposal.
  • Use cold water: cold water solidifies any grease that’s in the drain and makes it easier for the disposal to grind it up.
  • Don’t overload or force it: feed the disposal gradually instead of stuffing all the wastes in one go. don’t push the food down into the disposal; take your time and let it grind the waste up on its own.
  • Avoid hard objects: stay away from grinding hard objects like bones, fruit pits, and eggshells. these items can dull the blades and cause clogs and jams in the disposal.
  • Watch out for fibrous foods: food items like celery, asparagus, and artichokes can be tricky for the disposal. the strings can tangle up in the blades and cause blockages.
  • Keep it clean: once you finish grinding the waste, run the disposal for a few seconds with cold water to rinse it off. every few weeks, grind up some ice cubes to keep the blades sharp, and use a disposal cleaner to freshen things up.

By following these simple best practices, you can make the most of your garbage disposal and keep it working efficiently for years to come.

Maintenance And Cleaning Of A Garbage Disposal

Steps To Properly Clean A Garbage Disposal

Although a garbage disposal unit is an efficient way to get rid of food waste, it’s important to keep the unit maintained and cleaned properly to prevent unpleasant odors, clogs, and potential damage from occurring. follow these simple steps to ensure your garbage disposal remains in good working order and odor-free.

Gather The Supplies

To begin, gather the following essential supplies:

  • Rubber gloves
  • Dish soap
  • Baking soda
  • Ice cubes
  • White vinegar
  • Lemon juice

The Cleaning Process

Follow these steps to clean the garbage disposal unit: 1. turn off the power supply: first, ensure the power supply is disconnected. for safety, turn off the circuit breaker that controls the garbage disposal unit. 2. clean the visible parts of the disposal: wearing rubber gloves, use a dish soap and water solution to clean around the visible parts of the disposal, including the rubber flaps and sink drain. 3. use baking soda and ice: put a cup of baking soda down the disposal unit followed by a handful of ice cubes to break down any built-up dirt and debris inside the unit. 4. pour white vinegar: pour a cup of white vinegar down the disposal unit. as the vinegar and baking soda react, they’ll break down any remaining stuck-on grime. 5. use lemon juice: to freshen up the disposal further, pour lemon juice down the unit after the vinegar cleaner.

Maintenance Tips

To keep the garbage disposal running smoothly, incorporate regular maintenance into your cleaning routine:

  • Run cold water while using the disposal.
  • Avoid putting fibrous or sticky foods down the disposal unit.
  • Always cut large food waste into smaller pieces before putting it into the disposal.
  • Run the garbage disposal unit for at least 30 seconds after use.

With these simple steps, you can keep your garbage disposal unit working efficiently. regular maintenance and cleaning will keep unpleasant odors at bay and avoid unwanted expenses from clogs or damage.

Troubleshooting A Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals are fantastic kitchen appliances that help keep our sink clean and free of food waste. however, they can sometimes develop problems, which can be quite frustrating. in this blog post section, we will discuss troubleshooting a garbage disposal, including tips for fixing common problems.

Tips For Fixing Common Problems

If your garbage disposal is giving you problems, there are a few things you can do to fix it, including:

  • reset the disposal: garbage disposals have a reset button that you can press to restart it. look for a red button located on the bottom of the disposal unit and press it to reset the disposal. this can help fix any minor problems with the disposal.
  • check for clogs: if your garbage disposal is not working, it could be because there is a clog somewhere in the system. turn off the power to the disposal and use a flashlight to check for any clogs. if you see a clog, use pliers or tongs to remove it.
  • inspect the blades: over time, the blades on your garbage disposal can become dull or damaged, which can affect how well it works. check the blades to see if they are damaged or worn out and replace them if necessary.
  • check the wiring: if your garbage disposal is not working, it could be because of a wiring problem. turn off the power to the disposal and check the wiring to make sure nothing is loose or damaged. if you find any problems, call a professional.

By following these tips, you can fix many common problems with your garbage disposal and keep it working smoothly for years to come. remember to always be cautious when working with a garbage disposal and turn off the power before making any repairs. now that you know how to troubleshoot a garbage disposal, you can feel confident in your ability to fix any problems that arise. with a little bit of know-how, you can keep your disposal in top condition and avoid the hassle and expense of replacing it.

Frequently Asked Questions Of What Can You Put Down A Garbage Disposal

Q21: What Are Some Examples Of Fibrous Foods That Should Not Be Put Down A Garbage Disposal?

A: examples of fibrous foods that should not be put down a garbage disposal include celery, asparagus, corn husks, and onion skins.

Q2: Should You Put Eggshells In A Garbage Disposal?

A: yes, you can put eggshells in a garbage disposal. they can help sharpen the blades and freshen the smell.

Q3: Can Citrus Peels Be Put In A Garbage Disposal?

A: yes, but it’s best to cut them into small pieces and only put a few down at a time. they can freshen the smell and help clean the disposal.

Q4: Is It Okay To Put Rice Or Pasta Down A Garbage Disposal?

A: no, it’s not recommended to put rice or pasta down a garbage disposal as they can expand and clog the pipes.

Q5: Can Coffee Grounds Be Put In A Garbage Disposal?

A: yes, but only a small amount at a time. they can help eliminate odors and work as a natural cleaning agent.


In short, a garbage disposal is a useful appliance that can make life easier in the kitchen. But, it’s important to know what to put down it and what to avoid. While there are many foods that can go into a garbage disposal, there are some that are better left out to prevent damage and clogs. Remember, always run cold water when using the disposal and avoid putting hard or fibrous materials into it. If you follow these simple tips, you can ensure your garbage disposal runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come. So, keep this article handy as an easy reference guide for what you can and cannot put down your garbage disposal. Happy grinding!

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